
Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis

About Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis department

Welcome to the Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Chemistry. Pharmaceutical Chemistry brings together the disciplines of Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology in the design, synthesis, and development of pharmaceutical drugs. Our work in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry includes the transformation of new chemical entities into potential therapies as well as the study of existing drugs, their biological properties, and their quantitative structure-activity relationships. The Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Chemistry at the VIPER, since its inception in 2007, has a team of highly qualified and dedicated faculty and well-equipped laboratories with facilities for UG, PG and research programs. The department had always departed somewhat from this tradition given the focus of many of its faculty in the research areas of mechanistic drug metabolism, computer-aided drug design, synthetic chemistry and Bioanalytical chemistry. In recent years research activities in the Department have been broadened further by the addition of several faculty members with expertise in the areas of cancer biology and development of novel synthetic routes to reduce the production cost of marketing API’s.

 In recognition of the core faculty expertise and the available research facilities, in recent times, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and the AICTE Government of India has awarded a number of intensely competitive and highly sought after research grants to faculty members from our department. The Department has about 41 national and international publications in various reputed journals with an average impact factor of 3.0 during last five years.

Various research projects we're engaged in the Pharmaceutical Analysis & the Chemistry Department in the area of drug resistance in cancer and malaria in collaborating with Laboratory, Medical Oncology, VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Institute of Life sciences (ILS), University of Hyderabad, India. The collaborative research programs not only benefit the institution and faculty groups directly involved in these projects but also allow other biomedical researchers nationwide to take advantage of the results and the associated research facilities.
